Cisco Catalyst 1000 PoE C1000-48P-4G-L. Shouki Electronics
All models of C1000-48P-4G-L are here for you. Catalyst 1000 PoE C1000-48P-4G-L is supplied by Dubai Partner of Cisco Shouki Electronics. Cisco Catalyst 1000 Series Switches are fixed managed Gigabit Ethernet enterprise-class Layer 2 switches designed for small businesses and branch offices. These are simple, flexible and secure switches ideal for out-of-the-wiring-closet and critical Internet of Things (IoT) deployments Cisco C1000-48P 4G operates on Cisco IOS Software and support simple device management and network management via a Command-Line Interface (CLI) as well as an on-box web UI. These switches deliver enhanced network security, network reliability, and operational efficiency for small organizations.
Cisco Catalyst 1000 Series Switches come with an enhanced limited lifetime warranty (E-LLW).
Product highlights of C1000-48P 4G
- 8, 16, 24, or 48 Gigabit Ethernet data or PoE+ ports with line-rate forwarding
- 2 or 4 fixed 1 Gigabit Ethernet Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP)/RJ 45 Combo up links or 4 fixed 0 Gigabit Ethernet Enhanced SFP (SFP+) up links
- Perpetual PoE+ support with a power budget of up to 740W
- CLI and/or intuitive web UI manageability options for all models of Cisco C1000-48P 4G
- Network monitoring through sampled flow (s Flow)

Features and benefits of Catalyst 1000 PoE C1000-48P-4G-L
- Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)allows the creation of Ethernet channeling with devices that conform to IEEE 802.3ad. This feature is similar to Cisco Ether Channel technology and PAgP.
- Automatic Media-Dependent Interface Crossover (MDIX)automatically adjusts transmit and receive pairs if an incorrect cable type (crossover or straight-through) is installed.
- Unidirectional Link Detection Protocol (UDLD)and Aggressive UDLD allow unidirectional links caused by incorrect fiber-optic wiring or port faults to be detected and disabled on fiber-optic interfaces.
- Local Proxy ARP works in conjunction with Private VLAN Edge to minimize broadcasts and maximize available bandwidth for C1000-48P 4G
- VLAN1 minimization allows VLAN1 to be disabled on any individual VLAN trunk.
- IGMP snooping for IPv4 and IPv6 and Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) v1 and v2 snooping provide fast client joins and leaves of multicast streams and limit bandwidth-intensive video traffic to only the requester.
- Per-port broadcast, multicast, and uni cast storm control prevents faulty end stations from degrading overall system performance.
More information and comparison for Catalyst 1000 PoE C1000-48P 4G
How to place order of Cisco C1000-48P-4G-L
All Cisco C1000-48P-4G-L and other related items are ready in Cisco Partner in Dubai. If you are in Middle east countries like Ajman, Ivory coast or Rwanda, please feel free to contact us.